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Zulaika, Joseba (Nombre personal)

Preferred form: Zulaika, Joseba

Author's Adenen poema amaigabea, 1975.

His Basque violence, c1988: CIP t.p. (Joseba Zulaika) data sheet (b. 5/24/48)

Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa, 2002: CIP (Joseba Zulaika) data sheet (b. May 24, 1948)

Learning from the Bilbao Guggenheim, c2005: t.p. (Joseba Zulaika) p. 294 (Ph.D. in cultural anthropology, Princeton Univ.; director of Center for Basque Studies, Univ. of Nevada, Reno)

University of Nevada Reno website, June 13, 2019: faculty website (Joseba Zulaika, Professor, Center for Basque Studies. His primary research interests include Basque culture and politics, the international discourse of terrorism, Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum and urban renewal, diasporic and global culture, and theories of symbolism, ritual and discourse;

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